Friday 31 January 2014


THE MAIN TRIGGER / CAUSE OF SUCH ABUSE DRUGSAbuse in drug use is the usage of drugs or harmful substances with the aim not for treatment and research , and used without following the rules or the correct dose . In pretty fair / appropriate recommended dose in medicine only, the use of continuous drug will lead to dependency , depedensi , addiction or addiction .Drug abuse also affects the body and the mental - emotional user and . If more and more often consumed , especially in excessive amounts it will damage the health of the body , mental and social functioning in the community . Influence on adolescent drug may even result in more fatal , because it inhibits the development of his personality . Drugs can damage self-potential, because regarded as a way of " fair " for someone in the face and solve the problems of everyday life .Drug abuse is a pattern of use that is pathological and should be the concern of all parties . Although there are already a lot of information stating the negative impact caused by the misuse of drugs, but it is not given significant figure in reducing the level of drug abuse .There are 3 factors ( reasons ) that can be said to be the " trigger " a person in the use of drug abuse . The third factor is the factor of self , environmental factors , and factors willingness drug itself.

1 . Factors Of "Myself"a. Great curiosity to try , without knowing or thinking long about the consequences later in life .

b . The desire to experiment because they are curious . 
c . The desire to have fun .
d . The desire to be accepted into a group ( community ) or a particular environment . 
e.Workaholic to continue to move the use of stimulant ( stimulant ) . 
f . Running away from problems , boredom , or bitterness . 
g . Experience fatigue and decline in enthusiasm for learning . 
h . Suffering from anxiety and bitterness .
 i . Addicted to smoking and drinking . These two things are the gateway towards drug abuse .
 j . Because you want to entertain yourself and live it up .
 k . Attempts to lose weight or obese using painkillers excessive hunger .
 l . Feeling can not be of concern, not accepted or loved, in a family environment or milieu .m . Inability to adjust to the environment . 
n . Ignorance about the effects and dangers of drug abuse .
o . Misconception that trying drugs once in a while will not cause problems . 
p . Not able or do not dare to face the pressure of the environment or association group to use drugs . 
q . Can not or are not able to say NO to drugs .

2 . Environmental Factorsa. Family problems or broken home . 

b . Father , mother or brother or both be users or abusers or dealers even darker narkotics .
 c . Association or community environment in which one or several or even all of its members into illicit drug abusers or dealers . 
d . Frequent visits to entertainment venues ( cafes, discos , karoeke , etc. . ) . 
e . Having a lot of free time , drop out of school or unemployed . 
f . Family environment with no / less harmonious .
 g . Family environment where there is no affection , communication , openness , attention , and mutual respect among its members . 
h . Authoritarian parents , .
 i . Parents / families are permissive , not indifference , permissiveness , less / no supervision .
 j . Parents / families are super busy making money / outdoors .
 k . The social environment is full of competition and uncertainty .
 l . The bustle of urban life , people do not know personally , there is no primary relationship , ketidakacuan , loss of social control of society , traffic jams , slums , poor public services , and high crime rates .
 m . Poverty , unemployment , school dropout , and neglect .

3 . Drug Availability Factor .Drug itself becomes the driving factor for a person to use drugs because :a.  Drugs more easily available and purchased . 

b . Drug prices more affordable and accessible to the people's purchasing power . 
c . Drugs increasingly diverse in type , how to use , and forms of packaging . 
d . Crime of the main reasons more and more difficult to disclose drug law enforcement agencies . 
e . There are still a lot of clandestine drug laboratories that have not been revealed . 
f .  Difficult disclosure of computer crime and money laundering that could help businesses illicit drug trafficking . 
g . The easy access that internet provides information of drug manufacture . 
h . Drug business keuntugan great promise .
 i . The drug trade is controlled by a strong and professional use within the syndicate . The basic ingredients of drugs ( precursors ) circulating freely in the community .

Translated from " Book 
BNN-RI 2009” Indonesia.

tags:precipitating cause infected contracted the development of a drug addict drug user offenders

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